The Bright Spit!


With the morning bringing some bright sparks of sunshine, I’m reminded of a funny moment a few days ago when my mom was telling me that I’m such a bright spit for her, especially now with my corny jokes, memes and this blog while everyone is still in lockdown and awaiting vaccination.  It was a text chat online.  So yes, she did say bright spit. Clearly she meant bright spot, but sometimes when the fingers can’t move quickly enough to keep up with the thoughts tumbling onto the keyboard interesting combinations happen.  Hasn’t that ever happened to you?

Well typos happen, so Bright Spot meet Bright Spit!

(And yes, I do consider a cup of coffee in a spotted mug a bright spot of mine! Don’t judge!)

The happy and funny nature of that moment with my mom has stayed with me over these few days.  So much so, that I have noticed the bright spots in my own day to day life at the moment.  I’d like to share a couple with you.

Number 1:  My amaryllis is blooming again (it last bloomed in late November to early December 2020).  I don’t know if you remember, but this particular amaryllis bulb is very dear to me.  There’s a whole saga about this supermarket purchase and being told to throw it away after only one bloom.  Click on the highlighted text for that story!

This bulb that I was told to throw away 4 years ago has brought me loads of joy as well as baby plants that I’ve given away to brighten spots in other homes. Currently it’s blooming and each bloom is bigger than my hand. I love it!

Of course, I’m stubborn and there was no way I was going to throw away something with life in it.  I did my research and two years later, that poor forced supermarket bulb started to bloom regularly and grow happily.  I’ve been getting baby plants from this bulb as well.  It’s a happy and healthy mama-bulb and my heart is full of happiness every time I look at it, whether it’s in bloom or not.  Of course when it is in bloom, that bright spot becomes literal as well as figurative!  I documented the blooming process in pictures last year, check it out!

Number 2:  My other half truly has a gentle soul.  I mean how else can you describe someone who has a generous and soft heart, especially when it comes to animals.  It doesn’t matter the animal either, although to be fair he will cuddle his dogs and not the village sheep – no matter how soft and fluffy they look!  One spring, maybe two or three years ago, he got very nervous about a little lamb that was nowhere near its mother and that hadn’t moved for a while.  He was so nervous that he called a couple of households to get the neighbour’s phone number, to give them the heads up about a potentially ill or dead lamb.  Yes, it was about 6am – on a Sunday. Yes, he called anyway.  He got people out of bed and out into the field in their dressing gowns and wellies.  He was so concerned, my lovely Hubs, even though he doesn’t know much about sheep and doesn’t like them really.  Such a shame then, that the poor, wee lamb got its nap disturbed by a worried croft owner.  But this is his nature, to worry about animals. 

One of the annoying, marauding sheep that comes to ‘visit’ us sometimes.

He warms my heart with the little habits he has with our little spaniels.  He tells them stories, marches around the house with them and sings to them.  The stories are of course just little two-liners that go something along the lines of “Once upon a time there was a little doggie named Holly, and she wagged her tail so much that she turned round and round on the spot like a helicopter. The End.” These stories never fail to make me giggle, but they do the job of entertaining the pups and keeping them alert and engaged.  He also sings to them.  We have the bossy-wossy song which comes forth when one of the pups is being a little bossy to the other, more gentle, one.  Then there’s the pippy-wippy song which happens as soon as he moves toward the back door, so the pups know they’re not going for a walk but rather for their toilet break. 

I’m not immune to the man’s charms or these little, soft habits of his.  I don’t sing much but I do have a great liking for the song Snow White’s dwarves sing when they go off to work.  Every once in a while I get the urge to bellow a very dramatic ‘Hi HOOOOOO, Hii HOOOOOO…. Hi ho, hi ho, it’s off to work we go.. blah-blah blah-blah blah blah blah (in rhythm rest assured, even if I don’t know the words!)…. Hi ho, hi ho hi ho!’  I enjoy myself greatly at these moments, singing full throttle with the voice of a screech owl.  The pups get excited and jump around.  The Hubs usually freezes in the spot, with his face scrunched up in pain.


But the last thing the Hubs does is really a winner.  It’s a new habit that started up this past month.  He takes the pups to say hello to their new friend every morning.  He always calls out to them in his thick accent: ‘Shall we say hello to Samson now puppies? Are we going to see Samson?’ Oh the puppies get so excited; and Samson is lovely, he says hello back and whistles a little tune for a few seconds to pique the pups’ interest.  I have a couple of pics.

Samson is our touch-control washing machine (Samsung for those of us who don’t speak with thick Scottish accents).  When it’s switched on a little tune plays.

Anyway, this Bright Spit is wishing you a fabulous day all the way from this little spot in NW Scotland!

The Rural Transplant

3 thoughts on “The Bright Spit!

    1. I’m glad you enjoyed the read! The antics with the doggies always make me chuckle! 🙂

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