Musings – The Artistry & Magic Of Words


Life is messy and never beautifully timed, nor scripted like you see in the movies.  I find the same with my thoughts that I like the most.  Invariably, they come to me in the middle of a shower, just as I awaken from a dream or while I’m walking in some remote place.  But these are the thoughts worth fighting to remember, so – as I have now – there’s no other choice but to drop everything else and concentrate on the echo of the thought whirring in my head.

These worthwhile thoughts, I’ve realized, are never just a singular idea.  Usually they are products of distinct avenues of musings, merging at a point of realization.  And, as with the messy rhythm of life, mine just happened while on a forced break from the latest Sophia Loren movie, with a mouth full of crackers.

It’s been rumbling in my mind for a while – how does one convince someone to fall in love with the magic and power of words? These utterances we make every day are taken for granted by so, so many.  Content to move along with any word that fits the space and makes them understood, many live their lives fully and happily.  But explaining the artistry and possibility that lies behind the magic of words and their usage is somewhat akin to explaining the colours to a blind person.  Yet, it can be done, can it not?

Also regularly making its presence known is this constant desire I have to be true to myself and release this artistry that I can feel with my soul.  I mentioned this to my mother the other day and she responded that I simply had to remember my parentage.  Of course, both my parents were/ are scholars, as well as educators.  But what about those who effortlessly create magic with words?  Not all of them will have parents such as mine.  No, it goes deeper than parentage doesn’t it?  Maybe parentage was my mother’s quick way of expressing the collective idea of the factors that helped shape me.  Here, my thoughts seem to settle in an agreeable place in my mind.

Words are such powerful things.  The most common and base of vitriolic language uttered when we are at our most visceral can sting and damage us, sometimes for ever more.  It is also these words, and the way they are used that bring faith to people, as well as deep discord.  Sometimes this is glossed over though, isn’t it?  People focus on differences in belief for example, but to have that belief in the first place, one must have heard and been convinced through language and the artistry of words.

Whether written or spoken, it is the magic of words that touch us daily, that we take for granted.  I am thankful that somehow I have the slightest glimmer into this world of intangible beauty for there is a sense of fulfilment in knowing that the journey to ever improve my mastery of this art of endless combination will always give me a sense of accomplishment and completion in this facet of my life.

Now that you’ve seen how my musings can disrupt my personal determination to relax, I’m heading back to the queen of the screen – Mme Loren!

The Rural Transplant

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