The Weeding Before The Storm

We are on day 3 of a 2 day storm (yes, I meant to type that!) so there’s been a lot of mental plotting and planning for the garden. I haven’t ventured outside much – only to check to see how my seedlings were doing and if any immediate care needed to be given.  The winds have got up to 57mph and I can see my Aquilegias swaying frantically outside my living room window.  Those are usually very good in the wind though, so I’m not overly worried at this point.

Because of the absence of any work being done in the garden or my tiny garden shed – as it’s temporarily crammed full of seedlings that I thought might need protection against the wind – I’ve decided that today is the perfect day to show you some pictures I’ve been taking over the last week as I tackled the chore of weeding.  I hope you enjoy them!

My Allium umbels are opening to reveal the numerous flower buds within. Isn’t botany beautiful?
This is another one, on a different Allium (of the same kind), that’s a little further along in the flowering phase. I had transplanted them from their original spot planted 4 years ago, to the new cluster of flowerbeds, about 4 weeks ago.
This different angle shows the opening of the individual flower buds within the umbel.
A little rose bush, planted last year in memory of our little puppy that sadly died far too soon. It’s cathartic for me to plant something living to honour the memory of a loved one.
Two years ago I germinated this ground cover Sedum from seed. It’s doing nicely!
I did say these were pictures taken while on my weeding days! The dock weed got removed, don’t worry!
My white rhododendron is blooming. It’s a survivor in these wild and exposed conditions.
The side of the driveway rockery at the front corner-garden project. Mounds of creeping phlox at the top, and some Aubrieta at the side.
I do need to make some additions, and I’m pondering the options at the moment. I’d like to put in some plants for summer and winter interest.
My weeding companion. She loves days like this.
I think she’s telling me here to get my skates on and get on with it!
One of the Aquilegias I have grown from seeds.
The garlic stalks are getting higher. I wonder what’s happening under the earth.
My Clematis is bravely coming along. I love the way different plants have a different shade of green to their foliage.
One of my Azaleas caught budding.
Another in full bud!
And a couple days later there was an explosion of bloom!
The forced Hyacinth I’m in the process of ‘re-programming’. It attempted a little solitary flower this year. Maybe next year will see it return to its usual flowering state! Fingers crossed.
I got this picture in between rain showers, with the gale still battering. The first earlies, Red Duke Of York potatoes planted in mid April have leafed up and are soldering on.
And, the perfect picture to sum up the weeding days! We were knackered – and quite tired of weeding! Time for a nap in the sun.


The Rural Transplant

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