Rainy Day Confessions!


Right! I have to make a total confession.  Rainy days are not relaxing for me.  Not by a long shot.  In fact, I seem to go into mental overdrive.  I even make lists of things to do that are specifically for rainy days – which I thought was normal until some friends set me right on that.  But, you see, it’s the gardener in me!  I do plan many activities according to the weather – just as would any outdoor enthusiast, I think!

Anyway, as you know, today is supposed to be the last day of this current storm. The last storm was supposed to be a two-day one as well, but it went on for three.  But, that was a couple of weeks ago and we’re not going to dwell on the past.  So far, the forecast still indicates that today is going to be the final day of the storm and I’m sticking to that hope!

Yesterday evening, in a fit of not being able to sit still while housebound, I moved around some of my houseplants to new display positions.  Clearly I waited until the Hubs was either out or asleep to do this, so that I could go through my experimental placements before the final ones were decided upon.  Everything got the seal of approval, even the 6ft tall Philodendron Monstera (Swiss Cheese Plant to some of you), grown from a cutting, that I moved to the living room from the stairwell landing.

A good home for the Monstera during the summer months I think!

Today, I decided to sort out all the packets of seeds I have strewn around the kitchen and dining area.  I have a lot of seeds (most of them are already sorted by year and kept organized) and I have a great interest in propagation.  Indeed, I have a sense of pride in knowing that most of the items in my garden have been grown from seed.

While I have a lot of envelopes of seeds gathered by my own hands, from the various plants in my garden over the years, today’s source of mental overdrive were seed packets to which I feel strongly drawn.  This is why these particular packets were strewn around the heavily used kitchen and dining area.  I have kept looking at them since February and have picked and chosen which I thought I had time to sow, and would balance the garden. As it stands, I’ve already made about 5 waves of seed sowings for the year so far.  I think the next week or so will be the last time I sow seeds for this year, we get very wet autumns you see and I still don’t have a greenhouse of any sort.  

I have managed to whittle down the selection a bit, and I just cannot seem to reduce it any further.

Oh, what a headache!  Here are the selections I can’t seem to reduce.

I really can’t decide. I’ve already taken way too long to make this decision.
There are some tried and tested goodies in this batch. The Sweet Williams and Aquilegia have both done well here for me before. The Thyme, not so much, but I’ll give it another go I think!
In this selection the Rudbeckia wins my heart, but I have a feeling that I’ll be drawn into the Nemesia when it gets going.

I do know for sure, though, that I’ll be planting my Polyanthus seeds after this storm.  The ones I sowed three years ago have continuously done well here in my very exposed location.  Anything that copes with the gales and continues to flower is a winner for me.  I’m already excited about them! 

This is going to be so much work when seedlings start to grow. But the end result will be beautiful! 

The Rural Transplant

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