The Weird And The Wonderful!


So I have to tell you guys something.  I don’t want to use the words admit or confess, because I have no apologies to give for this.  But, I have some weird snack combinations that I just LOVE!

So before I go any further, no name-calling okay!

Right, let’s get on with the story then.

A few minutes ago I decided I was a little peckish.  It’s 10:30am and I’ve been up since daybreak.  Yes, I’ve already had a couple (read 3 or 4) cups (read mugs) of coffee and I’ve had a slice of unbuttered toast.  But, my tummy’s been talking to me.  I tried to avoid it, hence the 4th mug of coffee, but there was just no denying it. I needed a snack.

There are a lot of things to consider while selecting a snack you know!  First of all, it’s not very warm at the moment.  I’m wearing a few layers and I also have to mentally prepare myself to go through today’s to-do list (which is quite long since everything for about a week has been carrying over day by day- but today IS the day! Yeah. For real.).  That decided it, I was going to make a cup of cocoa.  Not hot chocolate mind you, cocoa! It’s warm, it’s sweet, it’s comforting.  Just the thing!

But I also really wanted something to chew on.  Just a cup of cocoa won’t cut it.  I’ve settled on oranges.  Oranges and crackers.  Now, before you get all indignant on me, hear me out.  We make jam and marmalade from all sorts of fruit right?  These we happily spread over bread, crackers (even meat sometimes when cooking!).  I’ve got some sweet oranges right here, it’s enough sweetness for me, so boom – I have nature’s version of jam on crackers without any added sugar (and it counts as one of my 5 a day).

Before you ask, yes I had the cocoa at the same time as the cracker combo.  No, they were not smushed together in the same mouthful.  I had some crackers with some orange pegs on top, and a few minutes later when I needed something to drink I had a sip of cocoa.  Very civilized.  Chocolate-orange is a fabulous combo.  Mine’s just healthy.

This snack made me very happy. 

I do have some other weird combos that I like.  Dark chocolate digestives with slices of cheddar cheese for example.

One thing that I did discover when I was around 16, was that I could add things to a melted cheese sandwich.  I remember the technique perfectly.  Thinly slice some basic cheddar, cover slices of bread and put under a medium grill.  Quickly finely slice some onion and grab some raisins.  Remove bread and cheese from the grill when the cheese is only just starting to soften, spread the onion on one slice and sprinkle the raisins on the other slice.  Put back under the grill until cheese is fully melted, bubbly and just the perfect shade of golden brown.  Put the two slices of bread together, cheese side to cheese side and let cool for a minute or two.  Enjoy!  J  

This was teenage experimentation at comfort food, and it was brilliant!  I like the combination of slightly sweet with a tang and I also need texture in every bite (that’s probably why I can’t do mashed potatoes).  Cheese is always a good choice no matter what, and this sandwich was a good one.

And I know you guys have some quirky food combo addictions too!  Look at this one that I saw while surfing the net – bread with cocoa/ chocolate powder, chocolate sauce and condensed milk.  Looks yum!


What are your weird and wonderful snack food pairings?

The Rural Transplant

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