Ending A Windy, Wet Winter With Cheerful Colour!


We have been enduring numerous gales over the last couple of weeks. Sure, there’s been a break of a day or so in between, but the seemingly endless battering of the wind can really exhaust the soul.  I am most definitely tired of it.  But then, let’s be honest, I’ve been tired of the wind in this region for years now.

Certainly, it is an amazing thing to see various types of wind turbines, or modern windmills.  They are statuesque constructions, reaching upward to grab a hold of those invisible chariots as they thunder past in all their noisy glory.  These giants can awake feelings of impressed acceptance and gratitude, as they represent a society promoting clean energy; somewhat trying to work with the environment instead of through or against it.  All of these thoughts and feelings I had when I moved here, and they are all valid.  However, I overlooked one small detail.

Where there are windmills or turbines, there most certainly is a massive amount of regular wind to be trapped.

Massive.  And Regular.


Anyway, let’s not get blown away by the wind (like what I did there?), let’s get back to the things of greater interest, and the antics around the croft and the garden.

I’ve got seedlings on my windowsills and kitchen counter!

My Lewisia Cotyledon seedlings that I was a bit nervous about sowing (they can be temperamental and need a cold snap to kick off germination). But clearly cold is not a problem here!
Here’s the first lil guy making a break for it!
Woohoo! And he’s done it! He’s emerged (unscathed at this point!). I’m full of humour today!
His buddies have joined him. He’s got a full blown crew going on!
Ah, they get big in no time, don’t they? My lil Lewisia seedlings have started sprouting their true leaves (the textured smaller ones).

I’ve also got some spring bulbs showing their cheerful faces!  I’m so excited to see the crocuses.  I love crocuses; they’re my favourite late winter/ early spring bulb.  And I’ll admit, I’m not that enamoured with daffodils.  Tulips on the other hand have my heart.

I totally love crocuses! I like their shape and their many different colours and variations. I look forward to this point every winter!
Hard to believe that in this flower bed there are many shasta daisy plants and right there you can see a broom plant. Those will come into their own flowering glory later on in the year. Right now the crocus blooms dominate the scene!
The different textures of the crocus and muscari blooms makes me really happy.
I’ve found a winning plant combo for spring in this little stone planter at the corner of one of my rockeries. I still have to find that winning summer combo though. Watch this space!

I hope the week of gales that has just passed is the last of it for the season.  I have been able to take some cheerful pics since the winter showers have eased up and the mornings are getting brighter! Makes a change, all this sunshine and splashes of happy colour! 

The Rural Transplant

2 thoughts on “Ending A Windy, Wet Winter With Cheerful Colour!

    1. Thanks, Anne! I’m glad you’re enjoying the posts. Spring is my favourite season (probably in some small part due to the fact that my favourite flowers bloom at this time (tulips)) and I’m excited for the transformation that comes with it. We could all use its signature cheerfulness to rescue us from the doldrums of this past year!

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